Look over here!
I found another new cafe for y’all. If you are from my end of the Sunshine Coast you’ll know the spot I mean if I say, “German Restaurant”.
I know, I know, that site has been an eyesore for most of the time I’ve lived up here, and guess what? Tom and Kako and some of their mates have transformed that place into something special. A space that makes you feel healthier just by turning off Noosa Eumundi Road, to a little place in the sun. Sunspace.
Follow me, I’ll take you on a little tour….

All bright and shiny-new. With an ever changing menu, based on whatever they picked from the garden THAT DAY…
Before we go inside, I’ve gotta show you the outside areas.. You see, this place has lots of little pockets all over the place, so you can find your own little fave space in the sun…

Very cute stumps to sit or play on over there.. and over in the distance: more goodies from the garden, straight to your plate.
Now we can go in. Isn’t it fresh? And again, you’re spoilt for choice on where to recline… By the window? On the window seat? In the lounges? Next to the kiddie’s area?
Added bonus: you can do a quick shop for tonight’s dinner. Now THAT’S what I’M talking about. No need to “pop into the supermarket” and come out a lazy pineapple* lighter. From what the owners are saying, the best is yet to come on this front. They have plenty of room for more stock, so as the demand grows, I’d hazard a bet the amount of fresh produce will too (See what I did there? Grows?)

Nic’s Bics and Nic’s Nuts. I’m loathe to admit it, but maybe activated nuts do taste better… Maybe... (Hangs head in shame)
And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for: What kind of cake can you get in a healthy joint such as this? Now, never let it be said that I won’t go all out to source you the best chocolately tastes this Universe has to offer. Ignore the words: organic, raw, chia and cacao, and just hear this: delicious, sweet tasty chocolate mousse cake. With a yummy Little Cove Organic Coffee to savour along with the rich goodness.
And not one bit of guilt.
If you haven’t been, might I suggest you get yourself over to Sunspace and check it out? This place is going to get crazy busy I think, so I am going to get myself known now, in the early days, so I can get special treatment once the joint is pumping.
*That’s fifty bucks, in the local parlance.
***This is not a sponsored post, and I paid for my own delicious treats (as well as looking like a total knob going around taking photos of the place and trying not to get photos of the other customers.) The lengths I go to for you all…***
…From The Ashers xx
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