Oh yeah, it’s Hit Time… Here they are, the hits of the week:
1. The quote of the week. It’s not a newie of course, but I was having an internal whinge one day this week, and it popped up in my Instagram. It’s from ‘A League of Their Own.” I think it bears remembering.
2. A fab girly lunch today for the launch of Nikki Parkinson’s new book, Unlock Your Style (you can get yours here, even if you missed the launch). It was held at Berados (a fancy word for, well, fanceee), and as always the service was impeccable and the food: delish. Nikki was gorgeous and funny, and very down to Earth, which I guess is what you would expect from a Sunny Coast girl, but still, it was nice to see, and wonderful to be there to help get a book written by an Aussie Blogger on it’s way.
I went with a fun group of ladies: Bigheart, Barbiegirl, DownToEarth, Arty, Lovely, LeadMeAstray and Buzzybee. And then, of course, there was me: Little Truthful One. See if you can guess who is who:
And here are the rest of the hits of the lunch-launch:

Did I mention there was dessert? Oh YES there was. It was a veritable health food with all that fruit..
3. Watters, the Happy little Jappy Chappy. As you know, we have been having a ball with out little fella.. Sunday is just too close (we want to keep him).
It was even more fun tonight because a friend who is a Japanese teacher came over and was able to have a big chat with him, so we found out all sorts. Yes, he is having fun here, No, he doesn’t want sushi for dinner, Yes (little bugger) thinks he is a better dancer than me, Yes, he liked meat pies, but best of all, he dissed us over the Evil Geniuse’s bedtime. We have been putting them to bed LATE this week at 7.30pm, but apparently Watters thinks this is ridic and is lying in bed awake for hours (apparently). Sorry Watters, but when in Noosa….
4. Decisions. We all know we have to make them. We think and think and list and agonise and then, somehow, we make a choice. It seems that the bigger the decision seems to be, the harder we make it for ourselves until we can be paralysed into indecision. Yet strangely, as Kelly Exeter points out in her book Your Best Year Yet, we will be happy with our choice. That is how we are wired. So why do we even stress about it?
Who even knows?
Regardless, a big cheers to making choices. And even more, for living in a country where having choices is possible.
5. The sound of the waves outside. As I’m sitting up here, super-late (I’ve had a big work-day), I can hear the smashing waves. Swell must be picking up. I’m not a good surfer, so it’s not like I need big waves. I just love the sounds. Reminds me of Summer Hols down the coast. Long days. Sand in your bathers. Peeling skin on your nose. Hot chips with gravy. Melting Choc chip ice-creams. And the comforting rhythm of the sea.
Got any hits?
Have you got your copy of Unlock Your Style or Your Best Year Yet, yet?
…From The Ashers
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